Sunday 19 January 2014

Goodbye - see you at Wordpress / Do zobaczenia na Wordpress


Due to technical reasons I have made a decision to "move" my blog to wordpress.
If you liked what I am up to, here is where you can find me from now on:

It is easy to subscribe via email or follow my blog from there.

If you would like to contact me please use this email address: 

Thank you for following as I know some of you subscribed to this blog via email.
See you at Wordpress...

love Frilka :)


Z powodow technicznych podjelam decyzje o przeniesienu mojego bloga na wordpress.
Jesli podoba Ci sie moj blog i chcesz dalej sledzic co porabiam zapraszam na ta strone:

Barzdo latwo jest wpisac sie na liste email'owa lub sledzic moj blog przez klikniecie odpowiedniego linka. Jesli chodzi o kontakt to prosze o email'a na adres: 

Bardzo dziekuje tym ktorzy sledzili mojego bloga emailem na tym portalu.
Do zobaczenia na Wordpress....

buziaki Frilka :)

Home Warm Home / Domek Cieplutki Domek

Keep… warm…
Winter winds and cold temperature forced me to help our home be warmer and more cosy. In the process I was able to make use of an old pair of jeans I no longer wear! I am pleased with overall end result and very happy that  this cute looking, totally hand made draught excluder is helping to make our home warmer. We can already tell the difference. Additional joy: I have got an order for another “sausage” - very pleased! 
Zimowe wiatry i niskie temperatury zmusily mnie do stworzenia prawdziwego ciepla w naszym domu. Przy okazji wykorzystalam stare dzinsy ktorych juz nie nosze! Jestem zadowolona z koncowego efektu mojej 1szej kolorowej “uszczelki”, ktora czyni nas domek milszym i cieplejszym. Juz odczuwamy roznice jaka daje ten prosty sposob na przewiew przy dzrzwiach. "Uszczelke" ktora tu widzicie, zrobilam dla siebie ale w miedzyczasie otrzymalam zamowienie na kolejna z czego jestem bardzo zadowolona!
Trzymajcie sie … cieplutko …

Monday 13 January 2014

Happy Birthday Claire! Sto Lat Claire!

I hope that today’s post is a sign of a good start to the week ahead! My friend Claire is celebrating her birthday today and to surprise her I have been “baking all night”. She loved her “calorie-free” cupcakes! Effects of my “baking” you can judge for yourself.

Mam nadzieje ze dzisiejszy post to dobry poczatek na nadchodzacy tydzien. Moja kolezanka Claire obchodzi dzis urodziny i zeby zrobic jej niespodzianke “pieklam” ciastka calutka noc! Niespodzianka sie udala, bo Claire byla bardziej niz zadowolona z “niskokalorycznych slodkosci”! Efekty ocenicie sami.

As always – thank you for all kind comments. Jak zawsze dziekuje za mile uwagi. 

Saturday 11 January 2014

Corset / Gorset


I am sharing with you my latest make, which unfortunately won’t fit me but in spite of that I enjoyed making it and it looks quite nice on my wardrobe door. Won’t keep you waiting any longer, have a look at the effects of my work.


Dziele sie moim ostatnim dzielem, niestety nie bede mogla go zalozyc ale pomimo tego robienie tego malego cacka dalo mi sporo przyjemnosci i nawet dosc ladnie prezentuje sie na drzwiach mojej szafy w sypialni. Dosc biadolenia efekty ocencie sami.

here is what it looked like when I was about to start  / tak wygladala moja zawieszka jak zaczynalam prace

and here is what it looks like now / a tak wyglada teraz

and here are a few snapshots of the detail / a tu mamy kilka fotek w zblizeniu 

Thank you for visiting! / Dziekuje za odwiedziny! 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Good Luck for 2014! Powodzenia w 2014!

My 1st post in 2014 and so time to make New Year's resolutions:

1. Find time for crafting in 2014 in spite of being (very) busy
2. Try various crafts especially those that need practice
3. Make regular posts in this blog
4. Enjoy all the fun

Here is my 1st this year card - A Good Luck Card with blackwork scarab beetle. Hope you like my New Year's atmosphere with "reusable streamers".

All the best for 2014!

Blackwork detail 

Moj 1szy wpis w 2014 no i czas na noworoczne postanowienia:

1. Znalezc czas na robotki w 2014 bez wzgledu na to jak (bardzo) moge byc zajeta
2. Sprobowac roznych robotek - szczegolnie tych ktore wymagaja nabrania wprawy
3. Opublikowac regularne wpisy w tym blogu
4. Miec frajde na kazdym kroku

No i oto moja 1sza kartka w tym roku - scarabeusz "na szczescie", wykonany technika "blackwork". Mam nadzieje, ze podoba sie Wam moj noworoczny nastroj i serpentyny, ktore nawet bo balu beda mi przydatne.

Thank you for visiting and all kind comments. Dziekuje za odwiedziny i mile komentarze.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Hello ...

 ... and welcome to my blog...

In here you will find things I love and feel passionate about! Enjoy!  

To start with I am sharing a few Christmas cards I have made for Season's Greetings 2013. Hope you like them!

Oh Christmas Tree, how lovely are your branches ... this one went to Mum and Dad 

Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer - sent to my Sister and Brother-in-law

I'm dreaming of a ... pink Christmas ... for a friend who loves pink...

Let it snow ...

Santa Claus is coming to town ...

I was enjoying myself so much that my husband joined in .... here is a card he made! 

...dashing through the snow ...
There I have started something ...